- Cabins Cottages & Chalet Rental, Rockwood
- Cafe Restaurants, Rockwood
- Cafeteria Restaurants, Rockwood
- Cakes, Rockwood
- Cakes, Pies, & Pastries, Rockwood
- Campgrounds, Rockwood
- Candy & Confectionary Equipment, Rockwood
- Candy, Nut & Confectionery Wholesale & Retail, Rockwood - Candy Stores
- Carpenters, Rockwood - Carpentry Contractors
- Carpet, Rug & Linoleum Flooring Dealers, Rockwood
- Casual Dining Restaurants, Rockwood
- Central American Restaurants, Rockwood
- Chiropractor, Rockwood
- Christian Churches, Rockwood
- Church Of Christ, Rockwood
- Church Of God, Rockwood
- Churches 1 Of 3, Rockwood
- City & County Government, Rockwood
- Cleaning & Maintenance Services, Rockwood
- Clothing Stores, Rockwood - Clothes & Accessories
- Coal Brokers, Rockwood
- Coal Miner & Shippers, Rockwood - Coal Mining
- Commercial & Industrial Photographers, Rockwood
- Commercial Printing Manufacturers, Rockwood
- Community Services, Rockwood
- Computer Repair, Rockwood
- Construction, Rockwood
- Contractor Equipment & Supplies, Rockwood - Construction Equipment & Machinery
- Convenience Stores, Rockwood
- Copier Repair & Service, Rockwood
- Country Cooking Restaurants, Rockwood
- Crushed Stone & Rock, Rockwood - Crushed Granite, Concrete, Gravel, etc