- Tanning Salons, Carbondale
- Tax Preparations Electronic Filings, Carbondale
- Tax Return Preparation, Carbondale
- Tax Services, Carbondale
- Taxi Cab Service, Carbondale
- Taxi Service, Carbondale
- Taxidermists, Carbondale - Taxidermy
- Technological Research & Development, Carbondale
- Telecommunications, Carbondale
- Telecommunications Companies, Businesses & Services, Carbondale
- Telephone Answering Service, Carbondale - Messenger Services
- Telephone Communication Service & Phone Companies, Carbondale - Local & Long Distance Telephone Service
- Telephone Equipment & Phone Systems, Carbondale - Sales, Service & Repair
- Telephone Equipment & Systems - Repair & Service, Carbondale - Telecommunication Services
- Television Stores & Dealers, Carbondale
- Tires - Wholesale & Retail, Carbondale
- Title & Surety Insurance, Carbondale
- Tools & Hardware Supplies, Carbondale
- Towing Service, Carbondale
- Transportation, Carbondale
- Transportation & Traffic Consultants & Services, Carbondale - Transportation Brokers & Consultants
- Transportation Equipment Manufacturers, Carbondale
- Transportation For Handicapped & Elderly, Carbondale - Senior & Disabled
- Travel & Tourism, Carbondale
- Travel Arrangement & Services, Carbondale
- Trucking - Garbage, Refuse, Waste, Trash, Scrap & Junk Removal, Carbondale - Collection, Removal, Disposal, Recycling, etc
- Trust And Will Attorneys & Lawyers, Carbondale
- Trust And Will Lawyers & Attorneys, Carbondale