- Cabins Cottages & Chalet Rental, Carbondale
- Cable TV Companies & Services, Carbondale
- Cafe Restaurants, Carbondale
- Car Detailing & Wash Service, Carbondale - Auto Detailing
- Car Wash, Cleaning, Wax & Polish Service, Carbondale
- Cardiologists, Carbondale - Heart Doctors, Physicians & Surgeons (Cardiology)
- Carpet Rug & Upholstery Cleaners, Carbondale
- Carpet, Rug & Linoleum Flooring Dealers, Carbondale
- Cars, Truck, Van & SUV Car Dealerships, Carbondale - Auto Dealers
- Casual Dining Restaurants, Carbondale
- Caterers Food Services, Carbondale
- Catholic Churches, Carbondale
- Chambers Of Commerce, Carbondale
- Chemical Products, Carbondale - Chemical Distributors, Dealers, Wholesale, etc
- Child Care & Day Care Services, Carbondale
- Child Related Social Services, Carbondale
- Chimney & Fireplace Construction Contractors, Carbondale - Installation, Cleaning & Repair Services
- Chinese Restaurants, Carbondale
- Chiropractic Information & Referral Services, Carbondale - Educational, Referral & Support Service Centers
- Chiropractor, Carbondale
- Churches 1 Of 3, Carbondale
- Churches 2 Of 3, Carbondale
- Churches 3 Of 3, Carbondale
- City & County Government, Carbondale
- City & County Law Enforcement, Carbondale
- Cleaning & Maintenance Services, Carbondale
- Clergy, Carbondale
- Clinics, Carbondale
- Clothing Stores, Carbondale - Clothes & Accessories
- Coffee, Carbondale
- Coffee, Espresso & Tea House Restaurants, Carbondale
- Commercial & Industrial Building Contractors, Carbondale
- Commercial Equipment, Carbondale
- Commercial Printing, Carbondale
- Communication Equipment & Systems, Carbondale
- Communications Services, Carbondale
- Community & Recreational Facilities, Carbondale
- Community Services, Carbondale
- Concrete, Carbondale - Cement & Concrete Products, Suppliers, Companies
- Concrete & Cement, Carbondale
- Concrete Construction Forms & Accessories, Carbondale
- Concrete Contractors, Carbondale - Concrete Construction & Concrete Companies
- Concrete Product Manufacturers, Carbondale
- Condiments & Sauces, Carbondale
- Construction, Carbondale
- Construction Machinery, Carbondale - Mining Machinery
- Construction Services, Carbondale
- Consultants & Services, Carbondale
- Contractors Supplies & Equipment, Carbondale
- Convenience Stores, Carbondale
- Convention & Meeting Facilities, Carbondale - Meeting Rooms
- Convents & Monasteries, Carbondale
- Cooking, Food & Beverage Equipment, Carbondale
- Cooling System & Parts, Carbondale - Antifreeze, Radiator, Water Pump, Fan, Hoses, Belts, etc
- Corporate Attorneys & Lawyers, Carbondale
- Corporate Business Attorneys & Lawyers, Carbondale
- Corporate Lawyers & Attorneys, Carbondale
- Cosmetics, Carbondale
- Cosmetics & Perfumes Outlets, Carbondale
- Counseling Professionals, Carbondale
- Country Clubs, Carbondale
- County Police, Carbondale
- Credit Unions, Carbondale
- Cremation Services, Supplies & Equipment, Carbondale
- Cruise Agents, Carbondale - Travel Agents
- Cruise Lines, Carbondale - Cruises
- Crushed Stone & Rock, Carbondale - Crushed Granite, Concrete, Gravel, etc
- Curtains, Drapes & Window Treatments and Coverings, Carbondale - Drapery & Upholstery Fabric Stores
- Custom Parts & Accessories, Carbondale