- Paper & Cardboard Manufacturers, Bakerstown
- Paper Finishers Manufacturers, Bakerstown
- Passenger Vehicle Dealers, Bakerstown
- Pasta Restaurants, Bakerstown
- Patio, Porch & Deck Builders, Bakerstown - Installation, Repair & Maintenance Services
- Personal Care, Bakerstown
- Personal Services, Bakerstown
- Pet Care Services, Bakerstown
- Pet Food & Supplies, Bakerstown
- Pet Grooming & Boarding Services, Bakerstown
- Pet Shops & Supplies, Bakerstown
- Pets Stores & Pet Supplies , Bakerstown
- Pizza Restaurant 1 Of 2, Bakerstown
- Places Of Religious Worship, Fellowship, & Study, Bakerstown
- Plaster Contractors, Bakerstown - Plaster Wall Installation & Repair Services
- Plumbers & Plumbing Contractors, Bakerstown - Installation, Repair & Replace Services
- Plumbing - Sewer & Drain Cleaning & Repair, Bakerstown
- Presbyterian Churches, Bakerstown
- Preschools, Bakerstown
- Pretzels, Bakerstown
- Print Brokers, Bakerstown
- Printers Services, Bakerstown
- Printing Services & Publishing Services, Bakerstown
- Publishing & Printing Manufacturers, Bakerstown